Litter 5

AKC German Shepherd Puppies


Valla & Smoke

Pups Born Dec. 8th


Puppy Picks will be done on Jan. 18th

Pictures will be posted no later than 2 p.m


If you are picking up your puppy, Pickup days will be Jan. 24th – 26th


Any Puppies Shipping – I will get the info I need from you after Puppy Picks.


Males 2,500/ Females 2,000

Male 1. S. Ward

Female 1. Available

Male 2. J. Slyman

Female 2. Available

Female 3. Available

Female 4. Available



Nuvet Vitamin order information:

800-474-7044 ID Code: 49756

 Make Sure to Order the Nu-Vet Plus and Nu-Joint D.S per the Health Guarantee.


Pics  Updated Dec. 19th

Litter 5


Litter 5


Litter 5
