Litter 3

 AKC German Shepherd Puppies


Celebrity & Killian


Pups Born Dec. 2nd

Pic’s Down Below, These pups Pedigree Goes Back to Rin Tin Tin II & IV, The Two Original T.V Stars!

These Pups Will Have Some Kicked Back Personalities, Big Sweeties. They Will Be Large, With That Classic Straight Back and Perfect For Any Famly!


We will post final puppy pictures on Jan. 11th

Pictures will be posted no later than 2 p.m.

Puppies That Are Shipping, I will touch base with after puppy picks.


Please Pick up if that is an option!


If Picking up .. Pickup dates are Jan. 24th – Jan. 26th


Male 1. S. Gunnison

Female 1. Ayers

Female 2. S. Smith

Female 3. Cunningham

Female 4. P.Smith


Nuvet Vitamin order information:

800-474-7044 ID Code: 49756


Don’t Forget To Order Your Nu-Vet & Nu-Joint Vitamins For The Health Guarantee To Be Valid.

Pictures Updated Jan. 11th


Litter 3

Female Red Collar- Cunningham

Litter 3

Female Blue- S.Smith

Litter 3

Female Silver- Ayers

Litter 3

Female Yellow- P.Smith

Litter 3

Male - Gunnison