Litter 1

 AKC German Shepherd Puppies

Killian & Tabby

Pups Born Dec. 5th



Puppy Picks/ Final Pictures will be posted  Feb. 15th, No later than 2 pm central


Pups Shipping I will touch base with after puppy picks.

Picking Up Is Preferable!


If you are picking up your pup you can pick up March. 1st – 3rd

Males 2,500 / Females 2,000

Male 1. K.Almanza

Female 1. P. Becker

Male 2. M. Wojo

Female 2. S.Farries

Male 3. D.Barber

Female 3. C. Toika

Male 4. D. Felsot

Female4. S.Baker





Nuvet Vitamin order information:

800-474-7044 ID Code: 49756


Do Not Forget To Order Your Nuvet and NuJoint Supplements Per the Health Agreement! We Give Them To All Of Our Dogs!


Pics  Updated on Feb. 14th

Litter 1

Male- Yellow- Wojo

Litter 1

Male- Green-Almanza

Litter 1

Male- Red-Felsot

Litter 1

Male- Blue-Barber

Litter 1

Female- Red- S. Baker

Litter 1

Female- White- Farries

Litter 1

Female- Blue- Toika

Litter 1

Female- Black & Tan- Becker